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2019 Holiday Rambler Maintenance Session

in Sponsor - MonacoWatts   Must be logged on to post

We will be attending the 2019 HRMS session in Goshen Indiana and will have a booth like last year. In addition we will be giving the two seminars on the TRW steering gear swap and the Roadmaster Chassis handling upgrades.

Mike and Wanda
2008 Safari Cheetah 38PDQ, 350 C7, TRW, F/R X-Bars, F/R Watts, FSD, STP, TST
2016 F150 4x4 Toad, Blue Ox, AFO


  • Power Point presentation of the Sheppard to TRW Swap given at the Maintenance Session.

    Mike and Wanda
    2008 Safari Cheetah 38PDQ, 350 C7, TRW, F/R X-Bars, F/R Watts, FSD, STP, TST
    2016 F150 4x4 Toad, Blue Ox, AFO

  •   Must be logged on to post

    Roadmaster Chassis Power Point presentation given at the Maintenance Session.

    Mike and Wanda
    2008 Safari Cheetah 38PDQ, 350 C7, TRW, F/R X-Bars, F/R Watts, FSD, STP, TST
    2016 F150 4x4 Toad, Blue Ox, AFO

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